Understanding the DISC model: Supportive Style

June 27, 2023


True Competitive Advantage With the Doves

The DISC model is a widely recognized behavioral assessment tool that helps individuals understand their own behavioral tendencies and those of others. The DISC model provides insights into how individuals communicate, make decisions, and approach tasks, helping to improve self-awareness, interpersonal dynamics, and teamwork. By understanding the DISC model, individuals can adapt their communication and behavior to work effectively with people of different styles, fostering collaboration and enhancing overall workplace effectiveness.

Velocity Advisory Group works with organizations to determine the hidden genius of each style and how to surface these powerful abilities in others. Based on Daniel Silvert’s book The True Competitive Advantage, these styles are brought to life with birds, recognizing Eagles, Parrots, Doves, and Owls in individuals. These colorful metaphors are illuminating, memorable representations of the four styles. In part one of this four part series of blogs, we focused on the Dominant style, which is represented with an Eagle. Eagles are results-oriented, direct, and decisive. In part two of the series we focused on the Interactive style, which is represented with a Parrot. Parrots are enthusiastic and optimistic, with a pioneering spirit. 

In this third part of our four-part series, we will take a closer look at the Supportive style. The Supportive style is represented with a Dove. Doves are harmonious, patient, and loyal. Let’s take a closer look at Doves in terms of their leadership priorities: trust, thoroughness, and inclusiveness. The Dove is the “peacekeeper”. 


Doves are adept at earning personal loyalty. This creates a calm and stable environment for the team to fulfill their mission. They have a high level of agreeableness.  Doves are very patient and sympathetic. These qualities give Doves an innate ability to build trust because they are typically not driven by selfish interests. Supportive style leaders are natural collaborators who like to reach a consensus and create win-win situations. However, they can sometimes be passive and overly trusting, letting others take advantage of their supportive, patient nature. 

Doves are naturally relational, creating a supportive and positive team environment. Dove types tend to be very grounded in reality and common sense and may see a more straightforward or practical way to accomplish a goal. They are talented multi-taskers but will work at a slow and steady pace until something is complete. Supportive types are peacemakers and nurturers in groups, approaching other team members with patience, attention, loyalty, and an even-temper. They can even view a project from both the overall big picture view and the smaller steps to get there.


Doves go through a deliberate decision-making process. They seek a sustained state of harmony, so the work gets done efficiently without conflict or drama, everyone is comfortable in their role. This is the optimal state for sustained success. Doves are reliant and dependable. They are compliant towards authority and a loyal team player. 

Doves are the strong, silent type. They have a soft-spoken demeanor but stubborn resolve. They will stubbornly pursue a task to its completion, regardless of the obstacles. While Eagles and Parrots ricochet from one project to the next without hesitation, Doves prefer a deliberate and commitment-oriented approach to managing their time. They commit to a project, create a plan, methodically execute each stage, and then deliver the finished result. 


Doves build consensus for major decisions. They put a lot of energy into creating the best work environment possible. People with a supportive style are genuinely invested in the work life balance, and involve the group in important decisions, seeking a consensus whenever possible.

Doves are born with the gift of presence – this enables them to listen attentively. They take the time to listen attentively and fully understand the circumstances allowing them to build deep, long-lasting relationships.  This gift for listening makes them highly effective leaders. Their skills give them the potential to have great ideas, maximize team performance, and build powerful client relationships. 

Areas of Growth

Although Doves are highly effective leaders and demonstrate an excellent work ethic, there are several areas that individuals with this DISC style could need to strengthen. 

  1. Doves strive for positive environments and relationships and can be especially sensitive when it comes to criticism. They want to please others and may have difficulty saying “No” or establishing priorities.
  1. Doves have a difficult time setting and establishing boundaries. They get too focused on serving others first, second, and third that they create a pattern in relationships in which other people’s wants and needs are the top priority.  This is made worse by their unwillingness to “burden” others with their own needs. 
  1. Doves are reluctant to embrace change quickly because change disrupts harmony. They become overly concerned with how the change will affect the culture of the organization. 
  1. Doves do not like it when people are domineering or excessively blunt. An overly candid culture can cause a Dove to become offended by the words and actions of others and this will lower their overall job satisfaction. 
  1. Doves prefer to be delegated to in a thorough and timely manner. They need a discussion about the specifics of the assignment, ideas for how to best go about achieving goals, and how this project fits in with what they are already doing and how it aligns with what the organization is already doing. 

Tips for influencing a Dove 

  • Slow down your pace.
  • Lower the intensity and volume of your voice.
  • Relax your body language.
  • Maintain gently eye contact.
  • Be genuine.
  • Take a sincere interest in their hobbies or family life.
  • Focus on the positive impact that their work has on others.

When communicating with DISC S-style individuals, be personal and amiable, expressing your interest in them and what you expect from them. Be polite, avoid confrontation, and take time to provide clarification.

Next steps….

What is the hidden genius of each style and how can you surface these powerful abilities in others? Understanding and applying the styles-as-birds concept makes self awareness easy, and participants will immediately put them to use. Velocity Advisory Group is ready to be your trusted partner on the journey to organizational success that benefits all.

Velocity brings extensive experience in strategic consulting, executive coaching, and developing the people side of the business. We partner with clients to accelerate performance by helping them achieve clarity and make better decisions by empowering teams and organizations. Our advisors have facilitated hundreds of workshops and training sessions on multiple topics related to strategy, leadership, culture, performance, team effectiveness, and communication. All solutions are customized to client needs and objectives.

Each team member brings perspectives and habits that may cause friction with others who are brain-wired differently, particularly when under pressure and stress. The behavioral style make-up of your team will reveal how strengths and blind spots play out day-to-day and reveal what you can do to improve the group’s communication and productivity. You will see yourself in a whole new context of collaborating with others. Visit our website for more information.