Why the Employee Experience Matters

January 8, 2024


Achieving a Lasting Transformation in Your Organization

Experiences matter. They impact our happiness and sense of loyalty, and they shape us as people. Employee Experience (EX) is how your organization looks from the inside. Culture, training, brand, and relationships within an organization are all components in an employee’s experience. These experiences foster innovation, recruit and retain talent, and increase the overall performance of any business.

Most of us spend 81,396 hours working. According to a recent Gallup poll in Global Workplace: 2022 Report, 60% of people are emotionally detached at work and 19% are miserable. When employees are engaged and thriving, they experience less stress, anger, and both physical and mental health problems. However, when Gallup looks at the global workplace data through engagement and thriving combined, the results are striking. Globally, only 9% of employees are in that “thriving and engaged” category. This means that the majority of the world’s employees, about 57%, are not engaged or thriving. 

A positive employee experience is highly individual and goes far beyond making people happy. It is about the benefits that come from engaged and thriving employees, regardless of their generation. EX is about meeting, and exceeding, the needs of every single employee and  providing employees the opportunity to grow and develop. This growth and development is recognized as a form of company culture, and maximizes the employee experience opportunities. This becomes complex when you consider how many different generations of workers are currently in the workforce: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z, the youngest addition to the workforce. 

A positive employee experience has a direct correlation to the success of any organization. The positive energy from feeling welcomed and empowered at work is then returned into the work they do, and into the workplace culture. When there’s a clear value placed on a sustainable work-life balance, productivity improves, which contributes to a business’ bottom line. 

6 Reasons Why a Positive Employee Experience Matters

  1. Attracting and retaining talent is critical in any organization. A focus on the employee experience shows employees you prioritize their wellbeing, and care about their personal and professional needs. 
  2. A positive work environment inspires creativity and innovation. This ability to think clearly benefits everyone in the organization and leads to growth. 
  3. Productivity and efficiency improve when the employee feels valued and respected. 
  4. Collaboration and camaraderie are enhanced with shared experiences that bring employees together. 
  5. Professional growth occurs when employees want to learn and develop in the organization. 
  6. Employees are engaged and attentive and strive to do their best in the job. High-performers thrive in a space where employee experience is respected and prioritized.

EX has quickly become a top priority in organizations. A positive experience affects employees at all stages of their careers.

8 Ways to Provide a Better Workplace Environment

  1. A hybrid or remote workplace that allows for flexibility.
  2. A seamless onboarding experience. If this is not currently possible, there are at least strategies in place to improve and develop the onboarding process over time.
  3. Investment in technology that allows employees to work and learn efficiently. If your team does not have the tools and resources necessary to complete their job, consider using employee listening channels to identify, prioritize, and strategize possible solutions.
  4. Value employee feedback.
  5. Prioritize employee well-being.
  6. Maintain open communication and transparency.
  7. Recognize employees as unique individuals that deserve personalized experiences.
  8. Access to mental health care. 

Employees are now setting healthy boundaries and seeking a better work-life balance. When they feel supported and valued, and are well trained, they will contribute to the organization’s growth and bottom line. They feel empowered and will deliver great customer service. They will express a greater connection with the organization’s vision, values, and mission. 

How to Meet the Needs of Your Employees

It all starts with listening. Leaders must learn about what their employees are doing every day. They must have meaningful conversations with employees to ensure they have a fair distribution of work-life balance. It is important to identify any barriers that are preventing flexibility and a positive work culture. It is important to meet employee expectations. Employees want to work for a company that values integrity and purpose. At the same time they crave growth and development opportunities that challenge them. Organizations must provide continuous feedback in order to help employees leverage their current strengths, and develop the skills necessary to support the company’s priorities. 

All of your employees need to know that they are working for an organization that will continue to be successful in the future, and pay them a competitive salary. There is a balance of mutual respect that occurs between the employer and employee. When a high-performer is advancing in their career and develops skills that support the company’s growth, the relationship determines that an increase in compensation is a respectful action on behalf of the employer. However, as the economy ebbs and flows, companies may be less likely to perfect this balance. As such, the result is a mutual resentment. The high-performer resents the employer for the lack of compensation, leading to potential burnout and quiet quitting, which is followed by resentment from the company as the employee is not performing to the best of their ability. As mentioned above, the first step is employee listening. It is the only way you can gain a roadmap of the path to finding that balance once again.  

With every new experience, leaders must ask: Is this desirable? Viable? Feasible?  It is important to provide organizational clarity and direction and strive for a balanced, healthy and diverse workforce. Use flexibility and connection to drive well-being and grow stronger every day. Make every experience in the workplace engaging, meaningful, and personal.